Questionnaire with adapted indicators (students and parents/carers)

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Please indicate:

▢ Student                ▢ Parent/Carer

Please tick the box that expresses your own opinion!


1. Everyone is made to feel welcome at this school.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

2. Students help each other.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

3. Staff work well with each other.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

4. Staff and students treat one another with respect.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

5. Parents/Carers feel involved in the school.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

6. Staff and governors work well together.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

7. Teachers do not favour one group of children and young people over another.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

8. Teachers try to help all students to do their best.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

9. Teachers think all students are equally important.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree


10. The school makes it easy for children and young people with impairments to come to this school.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

11. When you first join this school you are helped to feel settled.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

12. Teachers like teaching all their classes.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

13. The teachers try to sort out difficulties over behaviour without wanting children to leave the school.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

14. The teachers work hard to make the school a good place to come to.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

15. Everything possible is done to stop bullying.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree


16. Teachers try to make the lessons easy to understand for everyone.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

17. Students are taught to appreciate people who have different backgrounds to their own.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

18. Students generally know what will be taught next in lessons.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

19. In lessons teachers expect students to help each other.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

20. In most lessons students and teachers behave well towards each other.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

21. Teachers help everyone who has difficulties with lessons.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

22. Teaching assistants work with anyone who needs help.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

23. Homework helps with learning and is properly explained.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

24. Activities are arranged outside of lessons which interest everyone.

▢ definitely agree    ▢ agree to some extent    ▢ disagree

What three changes would you like to see at the school?

  1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Source: Booth, T and Ainscow, M (2002): Index for Inclusion: developing learning and participation in schools. Published by the Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE).