
Indicators help to structure the approach to the evaluation and development of your school. Those indicators and corresponding reflection questions enable a detailed review of all aspects of your school. Here is an overview of the indicators in the three areas of the Index for inclusion: cultures, policies and practices.

Dimension A | Creating inclusive CULTURES

(show the questions)

  • A.1 Building community
    • A.1.1 | Everyone is made to feel welcome.
    • A.1.2 | Students help each other.
    • A.1.3 | Staff collaborate with each other.
    • A.1.4 | Staff and students treat one another with respect.
    • A.1.5 | There is a partnership between staff and parents/carers.
    • A.1.6 | Staff and governors work well together.
    • A.1.7 | All local communities are involved in the school.
  • A.2 Establishing inclusive values
    • A.2.1 | There are high expectations for all students.
    • A.2.2 | Staff, governors, students and parents/carers share a philosophy of inclusion.
    • A.2.3 | Students are equally valued.
    • A.2.4 | Staff and students treat one another as human beings as well as occupants of a ‘role’.
    • A.2.5 | Staff seek to remove barriers to learning and participation in all aspects of the school.
    • A.2.6 | The school strives to minimise all forms of discrimination.

Dimension B | Producing inclusive POLICIES

(show the questions)

  • B.1 Developing the school for all
    • B.1.1 | Staff appointments and promotions are fair.
    • B.1.2 | All new staff are helped to settle into the school.
    • B.1.3 | The school seeks to admit all students from its locality.
    • B.1.4 | The school makes its buildings physically accessible to all people.
    • B.1.5 | All new students are helped to settle into the school.
    • B.1.6 | The school arranges teaching groups so that all students are valued.
  • B. 2 Organising support for diversity
    • B.2.1 | All forms of support are co-ordinated.B.2.2 | Staff development activities help staff to respond to student diversity.B.2.3 | ‘Special educational needs’ policies are inclusion policies.B.2.4 | The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice* is used to reduce the barriers to learning and participation of all students.B.2.5 | Support for those learning English as an additional language is co-ordinated with learning support.B.2.6 | Pastoral and behaviour support policies are linked to curriculum development and learning support policies.
    • B.2.7 | Pressures for disciplinary exclusion are decreased.
    • B.2.8 | Barriers to attendance are reduced.
    • B.2.9 | Bullying is minimised.

Dimension C | Evolving inclusive PRACTICES

(show the questions)

  • C. 1 Orchestrating learning
    • C.1.1 | Teaching is planned with the learning of all students in mind.C.1.2 | Lessons encourage the participation of all students.C.1.3 | Lessons develop an understanding of difference.C.1.4 | Students are actively involved in their own learning.C.1.5 | Students learn collaboratively.C.1.6 | Assessment contributes to the achievements of all students.C.1.7 | Classroom discipline is based on mutual respect.C.1.8 | Teachers plan, teach and review in partnership.C.1.9 | Teaching assistants support the learning and participation of all students.
    • C.1.10 | Homework contributes to the learning of all.
    • C.1.11 | All students take part in activities outside the classroom.
  • C. 2 Mobilising resources
    • C.2.1 | Student difference is used as a resource for teaching and learning.C.2.2 | Staff expertise is fully utilised.C.2.3 | Staff develop resources to support learning and participation.
    • C.2.4 | Community resources are known and drawn upon.
    • C.2.5 | School resources are distributed fairly so that they support inclusion.

Source: Booth, T and Ainscow, M (2002): Index for Inclusion: developing learning and participation in schools. Published by the Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE).